669th Personnel - Melun, France 1944 (photo courtesy of Roy Burns)
Crew Photos
A-20G crew of Lt. Willard H. Land (center) and gunner Ssgts Alden and Ballinger
Capt. Hulse, Ssgt Stevens, Lt. Conte, Ssgt Allred checking mission route - Wethersfield
(Photo courtesy of Ralph Conte)
Wethersfield, April 1944 - L to R: Tunnel Gunner Ssgt J.S. Wing (aka Edwin Joe);
Pilot 1st Lt. Tonnis Boukamp; Turret Gunner Ssgt Russell Colosimo
(Photo courtesy of Andy Fluxe)
SSgt Kenneth Bailey, Crew Mechanic, A-20G #181 - refueling "Daddy Land's Commando"