Edward J. Renth, Jr. was born in Chicago (1920) and graduated from West
Point in the class of June 1943. He was assigned to the 669th
Bomb Squadron of the 416th Bomb Group in September 1943 and was one of
sixteen West Point pilots to ship out for the ETO in January 1944 as an
A-20 and A-26 pilot. After the war, Ed stayed on active duty with
U.S. Air Force and logged time in an experimental modified A-26 with a
jet engine mounted in the aft fuselage. He later flew the F-80
Shooting Star and the F-86 Sabre Jet
fighters as well as B-36 and B-52 Bombers. During the Vietnam
War he commanded the 38th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron.
He retired from the U.S. Air Force in 1970 as a Lieutenant
Colonel and died at San Antonio, Texas on January 2, 2008.