The 668th BS was activated without personnel as a part of the 416th Bombardment Group (L), at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma by General Orders No. 3, Headquarters Will Rogers Field, dated 4 February 1943. The unit was organized under T/O 1-137, dated 1 July 1942.
On 15th February 1943, the initial cadre from the parent Group, the 46th Bombardment Group (L), was transferred to form the nucleus of the fledgeling outfit. This transfer was accomplished by S.O. 46, Headquarters Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma.
Captain John G. Napier was appointed Squadron Commander.
The 669th BS was activated as one of the four component Squadrons of the 416th Bombardment Group (L) on 5 February, 1943, without personnel, at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma. The authority for the organization of this Squadron is found in General Orders No. 3, Headquarters Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma, dated 4 February, 1943.
The original transfer of personnel was made on 15 February 1943. Sixtyeight (68) Enlisted Men for the 51st Bomb Sq (L) of the 46th Bomb Gp (L) and Capt. Raymond T. Schlanser were assigned to the Squadron in Special Orders No. 46. The first Group Special Order relieved Capt. Schlanser of command and appointed Captain Robert F. Price Commanding Officer. Eleven other Officers were assigned to the Squadron by this same Special Order.
On 5 February 1943, the 670th BS was activated at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma, together with other Squadrons of the 416th Bombardment Group (L), from the 46th Bombardment Group (L). The parent organization of the 670th Bombardment Squadron (L) was the 53rd Bombardment Squadron (L), as the majority of men within the original cadre were taken from the 53rd Bombardment Squadron (L). Many such men had been together in the association with their colleagues at Bowman Field, Kentucky, at Barksdale Field, Louisiana, at Blythe, California, and at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Captain Raymond T. Schlanser assumed command on 15 February 1943.
The people of the Midwest were brought much closer to the war in the spring of 1943 when one of Uncle Sam's most potent offensive weapons was created at Will Rogers Field near Oklahoma City. As a result of the usual administrative maze, (AG 320.2, "1-24-43", OB-I-AF-M) the 671st BS, was constituted January 25, 1943 and emerged as an active unit of the 416th Bombardment Group (L) on February 5, 1943. (G.O. 3, Headquarters, Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma). Immediately upon activation the entire group was attached to the 46th Bombardment Group (L) and assigned to the Third Air Support Command.
During the first ten days of its career the Squadron was entirely a "paper" organization. The first personnel consisting of nine officers and sixty enlisted men under the command of Captain David L. Willetts was assigned for duty on February 15, 1943.
671st Unit History (PDF)
As originally recorded in the personal diary of Gordon Russell, assembled by Jim Kerns
(The above PDF was scanned during the 2015 416th BG Reunion from a copy owned by Robert Henderson)
See also PDF version as transcribed by Jane Enman
Special Orders No 13, 7 September, 1943, assigned 55 Officers and 143 Enlisted Men to the 2911th Bombardment Squadron (Light) Provisional.
The 2911th BS was short lived, existing less than 3 months. Special Orders No 77 on 24 November, 1943, relieved 52 Officers and 209 Enlisted Men from the 2911th BS and assigned them to HQ & HQ Sq, 67th Reconnaissance Group. Four days later on 28 November, 1943, Special Orders No 188 assigned 47 Officers and 171 Enlisted Men back to the 153rd Liaison Squadron, remaining at Keevil.
The 416th Bombardment Group advance echelon arrived at Wethersfield, England (Station 170) on 17 January 1944. Special Orders No 27 transferred 17 Officers and 11 Enlisted Men (formerly of the 2911th BS) from the 153rd Liaison Squadron, 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, IX Air Support Command to 416th Bombardment Group.