9th AF Patch

416th Bombardment Group (L)






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416th Veteran Photo, Document and Memories Collections
Diaries, Journals, Interviews and Memoirs; Photo and Document Collections; ww2buddies.com Memories

Captain Francis J. Cachat's 416th Photo Collection
Over 900 416th Bomb Group photographs

Captain Francis J. Cachat's "9th Bomb. Division Strikes" yearbook
"Yearbook" produced for the 9th Bombardment Division in 1944

416th Videos
416th BG Veteran Interviews; Awards; Memorials; Documentaries Witness To War; RAF Wethersfield; YouTube; NARA

French Legion Of Honor Medal Awards to 416th BG Veterans
1st Lt. Harold D. "Dave" Andrews, Jr., Pilot, 671st BS -- December 18, 2019
1st Lt. Robert J. Basnett, Bombardier/Navigator, 671st BS -- September 29, 2020
T/Sgt. Roland E. Dullnig, Crew Chief, 668th BS -- February 8, 2020
Cpl. Alberie J. "Frenchie" Nadeau, Clerk, 671st BS -- March 6, 2020

Honor Flight Experiences
Ralph F. Conte, May 19, 2009
Roland E. Dullnig, May 19-20, 2017

Precious Letters between Dave and Jackie Andrews, by Wayne G. Sayles

WWII US Air Force Photos - Fold3.com